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Sunday, July 31, 2011

What is the effect of the internet on education and opportunity business?

    According to strategy-business.com, internet has been a big source to development and knowledge. Internet has created huge camp of opportunities for people. These opportunities might bring some effects for the people.
     One important effect of internet is as a source of learning. Today, education is one of the most issue points. Internet is helping more people to learn and improve their skills. People are opting more to the internet because is a faster and reliable source. Internet brings more options and variety of web sites to search what you want. People may see the news as fast as they want, instead wait weekly.
      Some countries are adopting internet in some schools to facility the students to be more quickly and more efficient to learn. Additional, this fast and efficient improvement might bring some risks for people, such as parents are concerned about what their children may find in the internet.  According to survey, 85% of young people are using the internet 24h per day, some of them forgetting they duty.
      Second important effect is in opportunity business. The internet makes the business closer between borders. Today multinationals companies are using the internet to keep in touch with their workforce in other part of the world. This way may many companies are growing their opportunities and hiring more people. Internet is a big source for people when they are seeking for the job. They can find different opportunities of job.
      In conclusion, these effects such as internet as source of learning, and internet as a source of opportunity for the business. Thus, internets make people improving their skills and bring people closer between.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summary Lonely Together

      Lydialyle Gibson, from University of Chicago Magazine wrote in an article about people lonely people. He wrote the article about the book which was wrote by a psychologist John Cacioppo the book “Loneliness”. In this book Cacioppo said advances a novel theory for this elusive emotional state. He said people who get stuck in loneliness have not done anything wrong, but none one is immune to feelings of isolation. Furthermore he explains about the being lonely is not the same as being alone.
     In his book Cacioppo clarify” lonely people can be surrounded by coworkers, neighbors, friends, and family they have sense that their relationships do not meet their social needs. Cacciopo believes that this powerful evolutionary force binding come an extremely period of time. Where they relied on for food, shelter, and protection, to help them raise their young and carry on their genetic legacy. Loneliness can work stimulating people to reach out to those around them. The book says also loneliness varies from person to person, there are extroverts and introverts.
     Gibson wrote about Cacioppo research loneliness disease, where researchers suggested that “social support” from friends and family might foster a sense of meaning that promotes health, and encourage loved ones to exercise, eat better, sleep more, and drink less. In this research Cacciopo says does not matter what social species they are talking about, all the way down to fruit flies, if you isolate them they will die earlier. This research shows that loneliness predicts not only depression but also higher blood pleasure and increased cortisol, a hormone released in response to stress.
     The reason for this rise in social isolation are well documented American people life is less rooted and more hectic now than in the past. That study helped inform a new project working with sociologists.
     In conclusion Cacioppo and three other coauthors gave the solution for four types of loneliness. He advised readers to reach out, even in small ways, to those around them, to volunteer, to say hello to someone at the grocery store or the library, and eventually to find compatible, fulfilling friends to open their lives.
     Finally, in my opinion I am surprising with some points that he mention in the article such as “the loneliness predicts not only depression but also higher blood pressure and increased cortisol, a hormone released in response to stress” because I never had a personal experience with loneliness people. I am agree with all points about loneliness people now I know how I have to be in this situation. The most impressive point was the percentage they found and the solution for loneliness people.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is day care beneficial for children under the age of five? Should parents stay home with children for the first few years of life?

Could I ask for two years leave in my job to take of my child? Or after one month they can go to day care? Some parents ask in the job if they can get leave to take care day children after born. However I think this is important parents take care they child during one year. In some jobs parents cannot take leave because they don’t give. Another case is man can take leave just for few months, such as one, or two month and woman five or six month. Children should not go to day care before under the age of five for several reasons.
The first reason is children need feel affection between parents because is the first days of life such parents can stay at home take care, talk with their child.
The second reason is if there have many children daycare workers could be impatient to take care for them. For example; “ one day in daycare the a little girl was crying all the time, so the girl who was taking care of her give  too much milk and after put the child to sleep without belching and the child die”  
The third reason is if the children go to daycare early they do not will learn more with their parents, and the risks of have allergies, or some health problem is greater.
Opponents say children should go to daycare because the parents do not have too much time to stay at home with their child. I agree daycare could be beneficial such help parents when they are working, but this is not the best option because the disadvantages are greater than the advantages. The care cannot be the best, the children can get allergies.
When the child is three or four years old because at this age they have learned a lot from their parents. For example; child who is four years old if they suffer abuse in daycare, when they came to home will talk with parents about what happen. Also child is able to spend time with others children, learn things that parents do not have time to teach them.
Therefore, parents cannot stay at home just taking care of the child, but the important point is education, that comes from the parents. Daycare is not the good way to parents who do not have much time bring their children. We just have to think about they can be safe or cannot be safe in daycare because is a problem, which we cannot say they are very good there.